Dress Code


• Golf shirts with collar, roll neck or turtle neck and sleeves.
• Tailored shorts, mid to knee length.
• Sports socks (of any colour) must be worn at all times, full length, mid length or anklet style.
• Appropriate smart golf attire at all times.

Not Permitted

• Beach, football or blue denim shorts.denim jeans, track or shell suits
• Shoes without socks, non-sports socks.
• T-shirts, vests, football, rugby or sports style shirts.

You will find that we are fairly relaxed, but there are certain limits that you should not go beyond.
It is easier to abide by these simple rules so that other members are not embarrassed by having to tell you and you are not embarrassed by being told.

Can I wear what I like in the clubhouse?
Again we are fairly relaxed, but we do have a dress policy. In the old days a requirement was to change into a suit and tie to use the clubhouse, but these days it’s usually OK to stay in your golf gear when going into the clubhouse for a drink after the round.
That does not mean to say that you can wear your golf shoes into the bar.)
If you invite guests to the club make them aware of the dress code. It’s not a big deal but remember this is a members club, and you should respect the wishes of all members. As before ask them to follow the simple rules – it saves embarrassment.

Can I use my mobile phone?
Mobile phones must not be used on the course unless there is an emergency. They may be used in the locker rooms, on the patio, in the car park, but not in any other area of the clubhouse.

Can I get changed in the Car Park?
It is expected that you will change clothes and shoes in the clubhouse.

Pace of Play

Course Status
Currently open
04.07.2024 09:30
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The golf course is fully open Thank you Greenstaff

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